Baby Dedications:
“Children are a heritage from the Lord; a reward from Him!" Psalm 127:3
Baby Dedication is one of the ways parents can express their gratitude to God. Dedicating a child acknowledges God's sovereignty over the child, and over Mom and Dad.
New Life wants to partner with parents in raising their children to seek God, know His Word, and live a full life in Jesus Christ.
Once your little one has arrived, give us a call we would love to announce it in our weekly bulletin and send you a congratulatory letter. This letter will share the date of our next Baby Dedication Service.
Here at New Life we believe in new believer's baptism which is a proclamation and demonstration of what God is doing in your life.
We strongly encourage you to demonstrate your faith in this manner and interview you prior to your baptism date to make sure that you understand what it means.
Once the interview is complete contact eitherPastor Nelson Fonseca
Nueva Vida cree en el bautismo del nuevo creyente. Este bautismo es una demonstracion y proclamacion de lo que Dios esta haciendo en tu vida.
Te animamos que demuestres tu fe en esta manera y antes de del dia de tu bautismo te queremos entrevistar para asegurarnos que entiendes la decision que estas haciendo
Despues de la entrevista por favor de contactar uno de nuestros Pastores Nelson Fonseca